MARC is a charitable organization, tax exempt under IRS Code 501(c)3 and MD law, with bylaws that provide for two financial resource buckets (funds): General (Operating) Fund and Emergency (Capital Replacement) Fund. The Club's annual fiscal year runs from December 1 through November 30.

Club revenues are primarily from annual dues, set by its Board of Directors, and collected from members at the beginning of each fiscal year. Additional financial contributions are accepted at any time. Grants may also be sought and accepted to fund Club activities or capital equipment acquisitions. The Board develops and approves an annual budget for Operating fund expenditures, which constitutes the Treasurer's authority to expend sums not in excess of the budget amounts listed in each category. The Bylaws provide that financial statements (Balance Sheet, a financial Statement of Activities) are required to be presented annually to Club's members.

The link below contains the presentation made at the most recent annual budget discussion at a December MARC meeting. This presentation includes details of the approved annual expenditure budget by category (program), a report of revenues and expenditures (Statement of Activities) for the prior fiscal year (Dec 1 - Nov 30) and a Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position) as of the last day of the prior fiscal year (November 30). Projections of revenues for the current fiscal year are also included for planning purposes.

The links below contain presentations made at the Club’s annual budget discussion during a MARC meeting each December. These presentations include details of the approved annual expenditure budget by category (program), a report of revenues and expenditures (Statement of Activities) for the prior fiscal year (Dec 1 - Nov 30) and a Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) as of the last day of the prior fiscal year (November 30). Projections of revenues for the current fiscal year are also included for planning purposes.

MARC 2018 Financial Results and 2019 Budget

MARC 2019 Financial Results and 2020 Budget

MARC 2020 Financial Results

MARC 2021 Operating Budget

MARC 2021 Financial Results and 2022 Operating Budget

MARC 2022 Financial Results and 2023 Operating Budget

MARC 2023 Financial Results and 2024 Operating Budget